e-mail: photoniompong@gmail.com

03 March 2015

The Colors of Summer in the Philippines

In the Philippines, we only have two seasons,the wet and dry. It usually rains in the months of June till October and is dry for the other months. Although it gets cool during the months of December till February, the months of March till May is very warm and humid, sometimes extending till August.

We do not have autumn nor winter when plants hibernate or leaves fall. The indigenous flowers in the Philippines bloom all year round.

I chanced upon the easement garden of a neighbor where he planted some shrubs and saw hundreds of flowers blooming. I am unaware of what the shrub is but the purple flowers attracted my attention and the orangy leaves of the tree in the background in another neighbor's backyard gave me a "colorful" inspiration to take the shot.

Mother Nature has truly gifted us with a pair of eyes to see and appreciate her other colorful creations!